1.Superb Bird of Paradise

2.Blob Fish
Image credits: coloribus.com | monsterfishworld.com
3.Red-lipped Batfish
4.Umbonia Spinosa
These thorn bugs are related to cicadas, and use their beaks to pierce plant stems to feed upon their sap. Their strange appearance still poses many questions to scientists. (Image credits: Colin Hutton)
5.Glaucus Atlanticus
Also known as the blue dragon, this creature is a is a species of blue sea slug. You could find it in warm waters of the oceans, as it floats on the surface because of a gas-filled sac in its stomach. (Image credits: unknown | unknown |paulhypnos)
6.Venezuelan Poodle Moth
Discovered in Venezuela in 2009, this new species of alien-looking moth is still poorly explored. Waiting for more info about them! (Image credits: Arthur Anker | imgur)
7.The Bush Viper
Being a carnivore predator, the Bush Viper lives up in the trees of the tropical forests of Africa, and does most of its hunting at night. (Image credits: thegeneralmonk)
This toothed whale, found in the arctic, has been valued for over 1000 years by the Inuit people for its meat and ivory. The narwhal, however, is especially sensitive to the climate change. (Image credits: gowild.wwf.org.uk | Richard Thomas)
9.Thorny Dragon
Coloured in camouflaging shades of desert browns, this lizard has a “false” head, which he presents to his predators by dipping the real one. (Image credits: imgur | Christopher Watson)
10.The Maned Wolf
Image credits: imgur
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